

Reconstruction services offered in San Diego, CA

If you have survived cancer, an accident, or a congenital deformity that affects the appearance of your breasts, board-certified plastic surgeon Rishi Jindal, MD, at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery in San Diego, California, is widely known for his skills in breast reconstruction. To learn more about how he can help you work toward your goals, contact the Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery office by phone or online today.

What is reconstruction surgery, and who does it benefit?

Breast reconstruction aims to restore one or both of your breasts to a typical size, shape, symmetry, and overall appearance after a mastectomy or lumpectomy or if you have a congenital deformity or have been in an accident.

What kinds of reconstruction are there?

Reconstruction generally gets divided into two categories: flap reconstruction or implant-based reconstruction.

Flap reconstruction

This procedure generally follows a mastectomy. Also known as autologous reconstruction, flap reconstruction utilizes tissue from a different part of your body to create your new breast tissue. If it impacts only one breast, Dr. Jindal can perform your reconstruction and provide cosmetic procedures for the other breast to ensure pleasing symmetry in their shape and positioning.

Implant-based reconstruction

Implant-based reconstruction uses a breast implant to create your new silhouette. Dr. Jindal is an expert in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures; you can rely on him for stunning, natural-looking results.

What should I expect from reconstruction surgery?

Before performing your procedure, Dr. Jindal reviews your surgical and aesthetic goals, any medical conditions or allergies you have, medications or supplements you take, and previous surgeries. He ensures you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure and conducts a thorough physical examination.

He may ask you to stop smoking, adjust your medications, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid aspirin before your reconstruction surgery.

Be candid with him about your expectations to ensure you fully understand your after-surgery instructions for optimal results. There are many kinds of breast augmentation and reconstruction surgeries, and Dr. Jindal can tailor your treatment to meet your needs.

After your surgery, your post-operative instructions are as personalized as the surgery itself. You may need to wait until 48 hours after surgery to shower. At that point, warm, soapy water should be okay. Wait until you have the go-ahead to get back to working out.

Most of all, be patient and treat yourself kindly. The swelling should subside, and your breasts’ restored contours should be visible after three to six months.

To learn more about reconstruction at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery, contact the office by phone or online for an appointment today.