Men's Procedures

Men's Procedures

Men's Procedures services offered in San Diego, CA

Everyone deserves an avenue to renewed confidence and feeling like themselves, which is why board-certified plastic surgeon Rishi Jindal, MD, offers men’s procedures at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery in San Diego, California. Dr. Jindal is one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in the area, offering solutions for common body issues like gynecomastia or love handles that can crop up over time. To learn more, call Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery or reach out online today.

What men’s procedures are available?

At Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery, experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Jindal offers a wide variety of body-perfecting solutions to address your pressing image concerns, including:


Hormonal changes, obesity, and genetics can all play a part in enlarged breasts in men, and Dr. Jindal offers gynecomastia surgery to reduce unwanted breast tissue and enhance the contours of your chest. Many men with gynecomastia can begin to withdraw and avoid intimacy or social activities. Dr. Jindal can restore your self-confidence and get you back to doing what you love.

Love handles

If you strive for a toned physique but have extra weight around your midsection that is hard to lose, Dr. Jindal can address these “love handles” to emphasize your natural strength and shape.

Body sculpting

Although diet and exercise can help, stubborn fat sometimes clings to your frame. Fortunately, there are surgical and nonsurgical solutions to eliminate this fat and tighten and tone your body.

Dr. Jindal also provides surgical body contouring if you have unwanted or sagging skin after significant weight loss. In either case, you can expect a personalized treatment to show off your physique to your best advantage.

Am I eligible for men’s procedures?

Regardless of the issue they are seeking help with at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery, men can most likely benefit from procedures if they:

  • Are healthy and at a stable weight
  • Have realistic goals and expectations
  • Do not smoke or use drugs

Dr. Jindal conducts a thorough evaluation and works with you to ensure you get the best results.

I am struggling to be content with my body. Can men’s procedures still benefit me?

Even if you do your best to be healthy, as time passes, you may struggle with your body image and want to feel at home in your skin. Dr. Jindal is an expert in the field of aesthetics who listens and offers sound guidance on practicable next steps.

Confidence in your body and how you present yourself can have tremendous physical and mental benefits as you go about your daily life. These benefits apply whether you’re at work, spending time with friends and family, or considering a new leisure pursuit.

To learn more about how Dr. Jindal’s skills can begin making the difference you want, contact Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery by phone or request a consultation online today.