Can a Breast Reduction Reduce My Back Pain?

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Can a Breast Reduction Reduce My Back Pain?

More than 70,000 women have breast reduction surgery every year in the United States, according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. While the reasons for reduction surgery can vary, many women choose the surgery to relieve chronic back pain caused by large breasts.

Rishi Jindal, MD, and the team at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery use advanced techniques for breast reduction surgery for women with large natural breasts and women who want to reduce the size of their implants. If you have chronic back pain, learn how having a breast reduction procedure could help.

Breast-related back pain

Your breasts may only be visible from the front, but that doesn’t mean they can’t take a toll on your back. In fact, large breasts cause or contribute to back pain in multiple ways.

Muscle strain

Large breasts are definitely heavy, and to support that added weight, the muscles in your chest, back, and shoulders all must work harder. Eventually, you can wind up with chronic muscle fatigue, along with pain, tension, and muscle knots in your upper back, shoulders, and neck.

Posture problems

Large breasts pull your shoulders and upper back forward, increasing the risk of chronic poor posture and continual strain on your spine. Over time, that strain can pull your vertebrae and spine joints out of alignment, leading to disc-related problems in your upper back and mid-back region. 

Nerve issues

Over time, excess weight on your upper back and shoulders can lead to nerve irritation around your neck and shoulders. In addition to dull aching, nerve issues can cause “electrical” shocks of pain, along with numbness, tingling, and additional muscle weakness in your neck, upper back, and arms. Nerve issues around the neck and upper back can lead to headaches, too.

Reduced physical activity

Large, heavy breasts can make it harder to participate in many physical activities and exercise, leading to muscle atrophy and related weakness that makes back pain worse. At the same time, making an extra effort to stay physically active increases strain on your muscles and spine, exacerbating symptoms and increasing overall discomfort.

Breast reduction surgery: Relieving back pain

Also known as reduction mammaplasty, breast reduction surgery decreases the size of large breasts by removing excess breast tissue. Dr. Jindal uses different techniques depending on each woman’s specific needs.

Traditional surgery

In this surgery, Dr. Jindal makes an incision around the areola and down the centerline of each breast to access the underlying tissue. Next, he removes excess breast tissue and skin, repositioning the nipple for a more natural look. In some instances, he may need to remove and replace the nipple in a more uplifted location. Reduction mammaplasty is often combined with a breast lift.


Liposuction uses surgical suction to remove excess fatty tissue in your breasts. This can be a good choice for women who don’t require lifting, but only require a reduction of tissue and a gentle reshaping of their breasts. Liposuction uses very small incisions and is associated with faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.

Implant revision

If you have breast implants, you may find your current implants are larger than what you want. In these instances, Dr. Jindal can remove your existing implants and replace them with smaller implants if you prefer.

Learn more about breast reduction surgery

Your breasts play a significant role in your appearance and your self-confidence, but they also play a huge role in your comfort. If you’re ready to learn how breast reduction surgery can reduce back pain while still giving you beautiful, natural contours, request an appointment online or over the phone with Dr. Jindal and the team at Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery in San Diego, California, today.